Today was AWESOME! The fam.(Dad, Mom, Faith, and I) all dressed in orange and rode in Dads orange Thing to a VW car show and Freddy's. Can I just say that I love driving in that car, because everyone looks at you as you drive past. I always have to reming myself to look my best when i go in that car because everyone is literally STARING at you.
We ate at Freddy's and then we looked around at the other VW there. I have decided that I really, really want a sea foam green, VW Bus! I can't wait to turn 16 (which by the way is in a year, 3 months, and 6 days) so that I can buy a sea foam green Bus and look FABO. in it! I will post some pictures soon hopefully,my phone is dying :(.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
I love rain. It's the best thing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was a pretty good day, it was the first day back after spring break. My shoe broke, so I had to go to 4th hour without a shoe and also walk to my car (in the rain) without a shoe. Needless to say my feet were freezing. Here are a few pics I took of the rain today :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Lights,Camera, Action!
So here are a few pictures of us(alot of random people and people from Heritage Academy) at filming!

Hello all fellow followers! Sorry i haven't updated in a while. I am new at this blogging thing and I have found I realy don't have alot of time for it. Hahaha! Well It's Spring Break and just to let you all know how much of a nerd I am I spent Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of my spring break at school. Luckily it wasn't for school work, but it kinda showed me I HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!! Anyway... I am in a movie! Holy cow I never would have thought I would be able to say that, but I did! There is a Christian Company that wanted to shoot a movie at my school becayse they thought the building looked really, really cool and they asked for some extras at my school. My sister and I went and we are actually in quit a few scenes. It won't come out until next year sometime, but it will be shown on television. So if you ever get a chance to look at it the name of the movie is "Under the Bridge".

So let me tell you a little bit about filming. If you ever want to pursue the career of acting here's a few tips:
1. Be prepared for a lot of waiting and then alot of hurrying.
2. Bring food (you won't always like what they give you).
3. Make sure you don't invite people to come that annoy you (I didn't bring anyone, I was still really annoyed of some people!)
4. have a positive attitude because it really is a lot of fun.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Stake Dance
So tonight I went to a Stake Ddance. It was the funnest one by far that I have ever been too! I was out there dancing the whole time, except for the slow dances. I got asked once by Lane Price, but no one else adked me! Whatever, I still had tons of fun dancing with my friends, it was AWESOME!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Choir Concert

Ahhhhhhh! Have I ever been more nervous in my life? (Probably- I just wanted to sound dramatic!) Well Tuesday night was the Heritage Academy choir concert and I had a solo. It was one whole line- the most I have ever had at school! I was super nervous and I had a good reason to be. Our choir only got to practice once the day of the concert and everyone was stressed out, no one thought the outcome would be good. Well we were all wrong, we did fabulous and I have gotten multiple comments that this was the best choir concert they have seen so far. I am soooo happy with the outcome we got. :) Thanks to all my fellow choir mates for the best concert ever!
Highland Games
These are my adorable parents who I love so very much. And no that is not a skirt my Dad is wearing it is a Kilt!

Just wait for it......

Alright! You probably want to know what this is. This is Haggis. Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish that consists of the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep or a calf minced in suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings boiled in the stomach of the animal. Sounds yummy doesn't it? I know you're probably really grossed out but I just tried it to say that I have tried it. I personally didn't like it and wanted to barf afterwards, but both of my sisters swear that it wasn't really that bad, allthough they will probably never eat it again!
Yummmmmm. Real British fish and chips. These are nothing like Pete's or Pirates, there sooooo good!
There were huge dogs everywhere- this one is an Irish Wolfhound.

The Beginning!
Well here I am! FINALLY!!! I finally have straight A's in school so now I am allowed to have a blog. YAY!!! This blog is going to be all about everything I do in my life, which may not be alot to you but I would love to share it with you. I hope you enjoy and continue to follow my blog and everything that happens to me!
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