Thursday, June 28, 2012

That's Pretty Good

This past Friday my family and I ventured up to Utah for a extended family reunion. Let me just tell you folks, 12 hours of driving in the course of 24 hours is. not. fun. Your butt starts to hurt really bad from all the sitting and the temperature is never quite right. You know what I mean: it's to cold so you put your sweater on, but, the moment you put your sweater on someone else in the car decides to turn the AC off, and pretty soon your sweating in your sweater, and so forth. The first day we drove six hours to Las Vegas and stayed in a Casino/ Hotel. There were only two beds and there were five of us so naturally we called the front desk and asked them for a roll-away bed. Apparently to save money in Casinos they don't send roll-away's to rooms that have two beds. Who knew? The kind people down in the lobby sent up and extra blanket and pillow. Cheryl, Faith, and I had a fun time snuggling.

We got up the next morning and drove another six hours to Midway, Utah. One of the prettiest places in Utah. There are beautiful trees and it's really quiet and green. We stayed at the Homestead Resort. It was fun to reconnect with cousins and spend a few days relaxing. You would think that since we were in the Prove Canyon that it would be cooler than AZ, but, you're wrong! It was about the same temperature it was here everyday.:( One of the days that we were there, the whole family went to a park to eat lunch, it was very pleasant.

While we were traveling we also stopped at a few Temples to take some pictures, and so Faith could get a rock from the Temple grounds (she collects one rock from every Temple).

One of the reasons we traveled to Utah, was so my mom could attend her sisters' favorite party. They do one every few years. This year they were all given a month of the year and they get a gift for each of their sisters, that is their favorite thing about that month. My mom had the month of May, so she made these incredibly cute books filled with scrap booked pages about flowers. When she found out what month she had she told my sisters and I that she wanted to do something easy and inexpensive. Well my mom did something just the opposite of that, but the books sure turned out cute.

While we were in Utah we also checked out LDS Business College which is where my sister, Faith, will be attending College in the Fall.

And while we were there we had to go to Crown Burger. THE BEST BURGERS EVER...AND THEY HAVE FRY SAUCE!!!


We started driving home at about two in the afternoon on Monday. We decided to drive through the night and just get home as soon as possible. It was a long drive, but I'm glad we're back home.

Look at my cute sisters!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The simultaneousness of it all

I can't stop laughing. You might not get this if you weren't there, but go ahead, read it, and tell me I'm insane. Sue me! This is my family blog. The McLaws Clan Father's Day Dinner. Read it.



Saturday, June 16, 2012


Yes, folks, that's right. I, Julia, got a perm. I decided I was tired of spending so much time on my hair and thought it would be easier to do my hair if I had a perm. I look pretty cute with curly hair, if I do say so myself. And I look pretty attractive with curlers in my hair and a towel over my head, right? Right?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Favorite Poem

Two weeks ago my older sister, Cheryl, gave a talk in her singles ward on Patriotism. Mom, Faith, and I went to listen to it. In her talk she read this poem, which I really enjoyed, so I thought I would share it with y'all.
One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference,
You see, IT'S UP TO YOU!

Author Unknown

Monday, June 4, 2012

He Is We

Last Saturday my best friend, Haeley, informed my that He Is We (an amazing band) was coming to Mesa, AZ for their Give It All tour! Plus, tickets were only 12 dollars!!! Of course we decided to go, I think we would have been stupid not too. The concert was at the Nile Theater in downtown Mesa. It was a really small venue and there were no chairs, but it had a cute, unique feel to it. Haeley and I were the third group in line so we got a spot right up against the stage. It was so amazing and I love He Is We so much. Rachel, the main girl in the band, has a disease were the vertebrae in her spine are starting to fuse together and she actually was going through chemo therapy while the tour was going on, so they had a really cute girl, Stevie, replace her on the tour. Stevie is a very talented singer and she is really sweet, but it just wasn't the same without Rachel. Because it was a concert and the singers are moving around a lot, it's really hard to get good pictures. I came home and discovered I only had six or seven good pictures. But I made you guys a cute little collage :)
If you have never heard this band before you really need to check out some of their music on youtube. Some of my favorites are Happily Ever After and Blame it On the Rain.