I love books. They are amazing and I absolutely LOVE them. This morning I finished a book I started last night, I think I am insane (so does my family). I love how a book can take you to a world that doesn't actually exists. You can feel the emotions of the characters and feel the actual physical aspect of it. I think I especially love reading because it carries me to a place were all my worries and pains that I feel in life don't exists. I am someone else: a princess in a tower, a girl falling in love, a run away child, anything really. Reading stories feels like time traveling to me, nothing/no one else is around and I have gone to a different dimension. I love it and I hope I always will, it is a great experience. One of the greatest satisfactions you can get in life is from turning the last page in a book and acknowledging yourself for finishing it.
what book did you just finish? is it one I need to read? Also, I LOVE the new blog layout! :)