Last year around this time I was babysitting at someone house in my ward. It was really close to Christmas time, I'm not exactly sure what we were doing, when the 2 year old little girl comes crawling up to me. She get really close to me and whispers "He's watching us!" Naturally I flipped out and asked her who was watching us. I was so creeped out at this point and was afraid to hear what she was going to say. She quickly pointed to a shelf were a little elf was sitting perfectly. I let out a sigh of relief, but was still terrified because the elf looked really, really creepy. I have decided I will never have an elf in my home who watches my children and then flies to the North Pole at night to tell Santa if they have been good or bad. I think if my parents had done that when I was little I would have had nightmares about it and been afraid of Christmas time. Luckily, they didn't do that when I was little and I won't do it to my children. Hopefully, you will think carefully before you put a creepy elf on your shelf, because they really, truly are terrifying!
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