Alright, I think I can admit that I kind of failed that whole "picture a day" challenge thingy. And December's over so there's no point in trying to finish it. You guys got to see half of my December, which is more than normal. So, we'll just leave it at that.
One day in December Haeley and I had decided to make cookies. We didn't make them together, but it so happened that we made cookies on the same day. My cookies were looking and tasting fabulous, and then I got a text from Haeley, that included a picture of her cookies.
How I imagined Haeley:
These were her cookies:

These were my cookies:
Now, I'm feeling pretty cool right now because my cookies look pretty darn fabulous. I think the words that Haeley used to describe them were, that my cookies "look[ed] like they were kissed by angels and Martha Stewart herself."
I think I will lose her respect for my baking skills once she sees the cake I frosted today.
My cake:
Yup...I frosted that. So maybe we're even now Haeley.
I love you. This post cracked me up!