Friday, May 25, 2012

The first sunburn of the season

Well, it's official: summer had started, and I got the first sunburn! I got it yesterday while I was celebrating with my friends after their last day of school. Yay! This is my lovely back :)

Today I was watching my cute little kids and we built a fort. Marcus turns 2 on Monday, I can;t believe it! They are adorable kids and they have the cutest smiles.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Sabbath Day

While Faith and I were resting on the couch this afternoon, we looked out the window and this is the sight that greeted our eyes. This is how our neighbor dresses on the sabbath. SO WRONG!!!!!!!!!!

Carrot Cake + Marshmallow Frosting = ONE BIG MESS!

I have had to go on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for my stupid stomach. I can't have starch, grains, milk, or refined sugars. Since it was a sudden change from what I used to be eating, I have been baking A LOT lately! I've been looking up and trying quite a few new recipes. Today I decided to make Carrot Cake and marshmallow frosting. When I bake it usually turns into a really big mess, today was no exception. Since it's fast Sunday I can't try the cake until later tonight, but it sure looks yummy!