Saturday, June 4, 2011

GIRLS CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alrighty! So first I am sooo super excited school is out and second, what better way to say "happy summer" than going to girls camp 2 days after school gets out. To be honest....I wasn't looking forward to it. In the past I have always had a bad attitude about girls camp and I have always ALWAYS had a bad experience. I have either gotten sick or injured and it ruined the whole experience for me. Let me just tell you straight out, this year was TOTALLY different! I had an amazing time and it was one of the most exciting and spiritual experiences I have ever had! This year I was a 4th year or A camper. This is when all the girls your same age leave camp and go on an over night hiking adventure. So all the girls rode up to camp Lomia on the bus on Saturday. We get there have a great time doing crafts and activities. then Sunday comes along we have an amazing church service and a life changing eveining program. Then comes monday morning, this is the morning I have been looking forward to for 4 years. There is some unwritten rule that being a 4th year gives you great honor and least I think so. We drive to our hike, we hike and then we go to our camping site. We set up our tents and a pair of twins in our ward have a little sister rivalry, and we are getting ready to eat dinner. (Ohhh did I forget to mention that a bear had been sited twice at main camp before we left.....I will tell that story later!) All the sudden we are told we have to take down camp because all the girls are being sent home because the bear had been sited 4 more times. Half of us are upset we have to leave the other half are excited. The leaders than made an excecutive decision and.......WE STAYED! I was soooooooo happy. I had an amazing time, the devotionals were amazing, and there was NO drama. Can you believe it? I can't! But I am extremely happy that there wasn't! thanks to all the girls who made it and awesome time. I will post pictures and tell the bear story soon!

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